The sinister aim of Jewish Fear Porn is to ridicule patriots, slander Truthers, distort common sense, and discredit honest evaluations.  Jews have made the Truth into contraband.  Jews mandate censorship because their ongoing dialogue is riddled with lies, deceit, and the scheming craft of the Jewish Occult.











The far greater hoax is on the way – the son of perdition cult, which is merely that Freemason Goal, made possible by Jew-scripted Lies.  Logic and reason are crushed by Jewish Menticide.  All objective and proper research has been suppressed by the Jews; hence, non-objective JEWISH PROPAGANDA prevails.




Whosoever doesn’t bow to Jewish Supremacism – by challenging this Jewish Lie – is slandered, ostracized, and terminated.  Yes, in this Jewish Psyops, truth is hated speech – because it is Truth that the Jews hate.  These Wicked have fallen into the Hypnosis/Psychosis Black Hole and are no longer reachable rationally, therefore their doom is sealed – the Generation of the Damned.  Truth is silenced, suppressed, ostracized, and murdered, therefore their doom is sealed – the Generation of the Damned.




Confusion is the Marquee of this Jewish Babylon; this is not valid science reasoning, rather Jewish séance absurdity.  THE JEWS LIE AND THE GOY DIE.  Justice never goes forth; it is rather, FLIPPED JUSTICE, serving the Jewish Mafia’s death grip over Sodom, D.C.  This is the culmination of the Jewish-written “Patriot Act” whereby Jews have flipped society, and patriots and Christians are now outlawed as “terrorists.”  Henceforth, Jews have foreclosed all avenues to Truth; yours is the inverted reality of Jewish Absurdity, Imposture, and Duplicity, not to mention scheming, theft, and murder.


JEWISH PROTOCOL SIXTEEN: Complete censorship, banishment.


The cult is always based on escalating lies.







This brings our attention to BIG JEW WARLOCK ALBERT BOURLA. His Poison-Producing Pfizer is projected to make over $50 billion this year.  Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, is an arrogant, murderous terrorist.  You ignorant Americans are suffering the Super Jew Albert Bourla (CEO, Pfizer) killing of America.  All Covid vaccines are poisons out of the Ashkenazi Synagogue of Satan, (Pfizer) sorcery dens. 


This Pfizer Poison is a slow-kill, soft bio weapon that tranquilizes the immune system over many days, weeks, and months, so that it eventually can’t do its job.  This is slow-motion death suicide which is easily played off by the LOCKSTEP media.  The Jews are perfecting this stealth death machine, while the Rubes of America line up for their fourth and fifth shot.


This is all Jewish drugs – sorcery: Pharmakeia – of their Occult RitualThis JEW JAB is toxic by Jewish Synagogue of Satan design“Safe and effective” is pure Jewish Propaganda; dangerous and deadly is the Rife Truth.




The PFIZER JEWS were foremost in the Operation Warp Jewish Poison.  All misleading facts and outright lies have been promulgated by Super Jew Mikael Dolsten, Chief Scientific Officer, Pfizer.  The U.S. takes in more drugs than the rest of the world combined, therefore BIG PHARMA has always been the Jewish-owned goldmine, as performed by Super Jew Larry Fink, CEO Blackrock, who takes the black money stolen from the U.S. Treasury and invests it in Jew-ruined America at 10 cents on the dollar.  BLACK DOLLARS FOR BLACKROCK JEWS AS THEY RAVAGE AND BANKRUPT AMERICANS.  This is the strategy of Super Jew Rob Kapito, Blackrock President.




Meanwhile, the Jewish Mafia/Pfizer has weaponized the DOJ/FBI to go after unvaxxed Truthers, conservatives, and Christians.  Big Jew Albert Bourla is a psychotic murdering criminal, and his Pfizer Poison Den is full of Jewish Genocidal Maniacs.  Pfizer has a subsidiary named Pharmacia – the modern spelling for the Greek word Pharmakeia, as it is used to describe witchcraft, sorcery, and magic, all of which are advocated in the Jewish Cabala, their esoteric Holy Book of the Jewish Occult. 


This Jewish Black Magic has brought on Millions of deaths, victims of Jewish Sorcery and Jewish Fraud.  Bourla’s Pfizer was prosecuted into the largest health care fraud settlement in history, in September 2009, the U.S. government fined Pfizer $2.3 billion to resolve civil and criminal liability for their fraudulent marketing scheme.  Pfizer agreed to plead guilty to felony violation of the law.  These convicted felons have now introduced mass poisoning into the American population of Rubes.