Pfizer, a major storefront for the Jewish Mafia, has grossed over 35 BILLION DOLLARS by pushing this JEW JAB on the American population.  On your Jew TV, there are 80 drug commercials every hour of every day.  At 5% of the world’s population, Americans consume 65% of the world’s pharmaceutical drugs; YOUR ADDICTIONS NOW KILL YOU.









These Bourla Poisons prove that Big Jew/Big Pharma is Big Sorcery, of the Jewish Occult.  Pfizer’s two main products are poison and fraud; they are guilty of racketeering with government agencies, principally the FDA.  Early on, astonished and horrified Pfizer whistleblowers went secretly to the FDA to report fraud, and were promptly fired by Pfizer, confirming the truth, both Pfizer and the FDA are subsets of the Jewish Mafia.




Super Jew, Sally Susman, Executive V.P. Pfizer, is charged with keeping this deadly poison top secret, yet the truth is, this is demonic sorcery, and Jewish Integrity is as blank as their Pfizer package inserts.  Bourla, Jewish Warlock, is now Chief Poisoner of the World, with seeming/imaginary legal protection.  Throughout the Pfizer History of Fraud and Murder, no Jewish managers were charged, nor arrested, nor prosecuted – until the mandating of Rife the Great.




And to keep the Jewish Psyops humming for another day, Mass murderer Bourla was CNN’s CEO of the year in 2021, putting him over the top as JEWISH PSYCHOPATH AND SOCIOPATH OF THE YEAR.


This Big Jew Bourla says Truthers are criminals and should be prosecuted. Meanwhile, his JEW JAB is sorcery poison, is to be forced and enforced by all AshkeNAZI means necessary.  The absolute apex of Jewish Generational Progress is this viral, gene-based poison, which is way too sophisticated for the worthless goy to understand, and yet, welcomed immediately by the laptop generation of effeminate yes-boy doctors and nurses, as they are under duress from Jewish Billionaires and their Death Protocols.  “Safe and Effective” is all Jewish Poppycock.  Pfizer’s “safe and effective” equals millions of deaths.  This is Jewish Sorcery, gene modification into the image of Lucifer – the EVIL THOUGHT of Ezekiel 38.




America’s largest drug pushers are the Jews who own, manage, and direct BIG JEW/BIG PHARMA.  Super Jew Bourla is America’s Primary drug pusher, even surpassing the Sackler Super Jews who killed hundreds of thousands of Americans by pushing their opium pills.  This Pfizer Poison tranquilizes the immune system, so that it can’t do its job.  (Note: with their ZIO BIO becoming a relative success, isn’t it interesting how the heroin/opium market is no longer promoted, the Sacklers are now retiring billionaires, and the abrupt pullout from Afghanistan, leaving behind billions of dollars in armaments, a gift to the heroin producers yet under Jewish/CIA contract.)




Ex-Pfizer employees, Karen Kingston and former V.P. Michael Yeaden have blown the whistle on these death merchants.  Meanwhile Bourla blasts: all Covid truth is “dark” information – misinformation.  He’s defending Pfizer’s Phony Pandemic by wanting all Truthers arrested.  This Jewish Demon says that all Truthers are criminals.  This Wholesale Jewish Corruption extends completely through at the FDA.





Here is the short list of Jewish Warlocks/Witches running Big Pharma/Jewish Big Pharamakeia/Sorcery; first off, Moderna Chief Scientist –  Super Jew, Tal Zaks.  He is Chief Operating Warlock, out of Ben Gurion University, which exists of land stolen from the Rife Remnant.  He publicly brags of having “hacked” the human DNA system.  Next is Super Jew, Stanley Erck, CEO over at Novavax, he has been charged with keeping all finances in order, supporting the Jew Poison Rollout.  Then you have Super Jew, Serge Weinberg, Director of Sanofi Pharmaceutical; he also is in charge of Poison Finance.


Super Jew, Emma Walmsley, CEO Glaxo Smith Kline is the leading Jewish Witch pushing wholesale distribution of this POISON.  Aiding her is Super Jew, Stephane Bancel, CEO Moderna, and Super Jew, Serge Weinberg, Director of Sanofi Pharmaceutical and Super Jew, Pascal Soriot, CEO Astrazeneca.


This attempt to alter DNA of humankind is an assault against Rife’s God; the provocation bringing forth God’s Wrath.








Shoring up all holes in the dam are Vanguard CEO – Super Jew, Mortimer Buckley; Blackrock CEO – Super Jew, Larry Fink; and Blackrock President – Super Jew, Rob Kapito.  Most all Major Media is now owned, partially or wholly, by Vanguard and Blackrock.