During the coming Graphene Oxide/5G Kill Off, the Death Trigger awaits, as 5G activates the Graphene Oxide toxicity.  Nano tech antennas will receive the death signal; Pfizer is setting up the great 5G Kill Switch.  Graphene Oxide must be renewed every 3-6 months, hence the mandated boosters.


The Jews have concocted Graphene-enhanced acute irritation syndrome, whereas this Graphene Oxide Jewish Poison will be activated remotely and wirelessly, creating the Instant Kill Switch – Graphene Ferris Oxide – activated by microwaves.  As already field tested in Wuhan, this is Death by chemical and radiation poisoning.


Thousands of 5G towers are now becoming activated for the first time.  They, in turn, will activate the graphene poisoning, triggered at 26 and 28 Ghz, to be provided by 5G transmitters.  They will push the frequency gradually to reach the Jewish Goal of up to 60 gigahertz. 


When they turn up microwaves, and link them to human vibrational frequency at 41.3 gigahertz, for a quantum connection delivered from satellite, drone, or cell towers, this now creates the DEATH MATRIX of perfect crowd control.  People will begin to coagulate, thickening the blood and beginning the suffocation process unto death – a process that takes less than four minutes.  No one will dare to demonstrate against the rising son of perdition.


Now you know as to why they are prescribing boosters, to keep Graphene Oxide levels high because they wane.  A true vaccine doesn’t need boosters; yet, the JEW JAB must be boosted every 3-4 months to ensure that the 5G Trigger is yet in operation.





As has already happened in Canada and Russia, Jews will be seizing the bank accounts of you  unruly Goy.


JEWISH PROTOCOL FIVE: Conspires this tyrannical world government which is to emerge.


JEWISH PROTOCOL TWELVE: Conspires the complete control of all Americans via the Covid Passports, etc.


JEWISH PROTOCOL SEVENTEEN: Conspires the 24/7/365 monitoring of all Americans.


Mark of the Jewish Beast


Soon you Laodicean/Zionist Dullards will become blackmailed, coerced, forced, threatened, and isolated, with no travel, no work, no food shopping, as this Jewish War on the Saints will intensify with this 5G Threat.  The Covid/Food Rationing Passport is the rudiments of the Mark of the Beast to create their slave species – the Rothschild Slave System 2.0.  This shall quickly morph into the Jewish Cult of the Vaxxed – making the “unvaxxed” out to be the threatening boogeyman.  All will be enforced by monetary/banking tyranny.


JEWISH PROTOCOL FIFTEEN: Conspires the complete elimination of all opposition by nefarious measures, such as denial of access and shutting down banking accounts, etc.


In this financial tyranny brought to you by AshkeNAZI Jews, you must adhere to the Jewish-imposed credit score, now becoming the social score dictating your passport into the world.  This is the Digital Currency Beast – the Plandemic, Vaxx, Passport, Rationing, slavery.  As per the Talmud, Jews are tagging their cattle, in this system of Jewish Globalist Financial Fascism, where they can take your money at the drop of a Canadian Teamster. 





During 2023-25, every church, outside of Rife Texas, will be destroyed.


JEWISH PROTOCOL FIVE: Conspires the destruction of all Christians, conservatives, and patriots.


JEWISH PROTOCOL FOURTEEN: All religions destroyed.


This Jewish Death Machine will prosper under the guise of passport and quarantine camps.  This is what you get when you allow yourself to become vulnerable to Jewish Globalists and their leveraged lies, deceits, and conspiracies.  You Christians will become terrified at the prospect of Midnight mass arrests and checkpoint arrests, where you will be taken to death camps, never to return to your normal life.


This Jewish Cult brands the Christian Unvaxxed as enemies worthy of Jewish-managed Death Camps.  The cancelling of truth now leads to the cancelling of Christians and the son of perdition worldwide conspiracy against Christians.


All Americans on Facebook – virtually the entire adolescent to adult population – have been categorized, profiled, and prioritized, establishing dossiers, which are now used to draw up prioritized death lists.  Covid Internment will be the guise of taking these Americans to death camps.  The House Nigger’s troops will begin hunting down Christians, in mass.