The ongoing policy will be dictated by RTG and this CROWN GOVERNMENT destroying Jewish Imposture.  Anyone attempting to stand against RTG, regardless of civil or military capacity, rank, or governmental position, will be immediately taken out by the Rife/Gabriel Security Team.  Rife Intel will identify and destroy all opposition, even before you set foot into any of these security zones.  All nuances will be adjudicated during the 7K Tribunals.






The Sovereignty of God is the Highest Truth, while all life is about government.  Yet, everyone in this Jewish-dominated culture lies.  And as this total Jewish War continues, you Christians are to be put to death.  Meanwhile, the strange-dealing duplicity of the Texas Christian Zionists has provoked God’s Wrath.




This movie now goes into Act 3 with the advent of the hero: Rife the Great. In Texas, hundreds of thousands of these death/LGBTQ mutilators and administrators are now made ready for execution.  Order a million body bags, make that several million, for this Jewish Revolt against God is now put down by Rife the Great, filling all Jewish/LGBTQ institutions with hundreds and thousands of dead bodies, as per the KJ. MANDATE.  Yes, make that multiple millions of body bags.


By Rife the Great, God has arisen in Judgment.  The Rod of this Rife Word slays the Wicked Jew and their Children of Wrath.  And because the Rothschild Kill Switch is now over America and proposes to be over Rife Texas, the Jewish Occult proposes to murder the children of Texas.  All parties pushing this Jew Poison and Jew Mutilation are criminals deserving death.  This is the sum total for giving Jews any credibility in America.




From the very beginning to the fateful end, this has been all JEWISH CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE.  With this ongoing indictment and warrant rolling through the Texas hills and prairie, and into the towns and cities, the Rife counterattack destroys all Jewish opposition.  And as this Jewish-imposed pejorative against anti-Vaxxers now morphs into the devil’s pejorative against Christians, witness this, THE RIFE STONE, CUT WITHOUT HANDS.


Likewise, the Rife Horn/Rod is exalted in Truth, Wisdom, Deliverance, and Justice.  And by this Rife Indictment, all Jewish Intrigue, Crime, and Treason is under the Prosecution of Rife the Great.  By Rife Justice, the Wicked Jews are taken in their own snare.  From his place in Heaven, the Lord sees all Jewish Wickedness, and has dispatched Rife the Great to commence his wrath against the Jewish Plot.  Rife Strength is in the execution of God’s Word.




The Bible is prophetic truth, revealing Rife the Great.  God’s Wrath is upon Texas because the Christians are under Strong Delusion, the Zionist doctrine of demons; you are completely ignorant of the Jewish enemy which is poisoning the people of this state.  No weapon shall prosper against Rife the Great, rather shall become snared in the deceitful, treasonist work of their own Jewish hands.


Call this, The Great Reckoning – Rife Good vs Jewish Evil.  Rife Truth obliterates all Jewish Lies.  At the end of this binary era – good vs evil; Rife Good vs Jewish Evil.  The Christ Kingdom comes in Word and Power, in this generation, Rife Words and Rife Power.  Rife does mighty exploits, as prophesied by Daniel.  Welcome to the End Game, now officiated by God’s Arbiter: Rife the Great — commissioned to break in pieces and consume all kingdoms and nations, as Rife’s Kingdom shall stand FOREVER.  Comprende?








All Jewish Globalists are beyond capitulation and thus, appointed to the Sword of Rife the Great.  You will go into hiding as Rife proves that God reigns over even the most wicked Jews.  There is no immunity from the Sword of Rife the Great.  You will hide in caves, from the plagues delivered.  Via the Rife Sword, God speaks to you in wrath, and vexes you in his sore displeasure.  All Jewish Globalists are rotting, rancid scum, worthy of the Rife Sword.  The Rife Sword is not at all slack or hesitant to bring destruction upon the Jewish Destroyers of life.




The Big Jew Global Debt Party ends at the tip of the Rife Sword.  This Jewish Plot to murder a billion people is now judged and recompensed by Rife the Great – and put down, beginning in Rife Texas.  Currently, God is sorting out all criminals for execution by the Sword of Rife the Great.  He is doing this on a most timely basis, per the Feast of Tabernacles, Second Coming, beginning of Millennial Kingdom — the GREAT DAY.