Acknowledge this: Smart money is already investing in utilities, as they are sustained during war and would be the first industries to rebound after war.  If you can wrap your head around this fact, you now appreciate the lateness of this hour.


JEWISH PROTOCOL FIVE: Conspires the use of UN police into the streets of America.


This shall become Mass Hysteria Psychosis – akin to what the Jews imposed during the French Revolution.  Everywhere, outside of Rife Texas, will boil in rage.  Globalist Jews offshored nearly all industrial production – and now they will strangle you with scarcity, hunger, and homelessness. 


Therefore, AS THE WISE SHALL UNDERSTAND, you must, without delay, proactively move to the saving of your household.  Amen, and amen.





Now, dear reader, please be seated into your Thinking Chair. 


Now, it is your time to mobilize for war; now is your time to join the Rife Revolution/Reset, now arising in New Texas.  Your Genuine Christian Testimony qualifies you to the privilege of constructing the Firstfruits of the Christian New World Order. 


You have been reluctant to exercise your Full Legal Royalty, due to the Lies of the Jews.  Now, it all changes, with Rife doing the heavy lifting, as I drink of the brook, Resounding Victory, per our KJ. MANDATE.  As Melchizedec Rife fills all the LGBTQ/Jewish places with dead bodies, all imposters will now die, by Rife Edict, cleansing New Texas for the Duty now before us.


Melchizedec Christ, sitting at the Right Hand, now calls you to Melchizedec Government.  For as the Earth brings forth her Bud, so will Melchizedec Jesus Christ cause Righteousness and Praise to spring forth before all nations, beginning in New Austin, headquarters for the Rife/Gabriel Legions.  As the Rife Blowtorch of truth destroys this Jewish House of Cards, you will now Fully Exercise Resurrection Power over the demonic realm and over the Jews and their Children of Wrath.


The Rife Government is a Team.  We live, govern, and thrive as THE DREAM TEAM, formed, called forth, and activated by the Spirit of the Almighty flowing through THE TWO ANOINTED ONES, as per our KJ. Mandate.  We will not only establish New Austin; we will then launch New Texas.  Then on to conquer Jewish-controlled America, then Palestine, then the entire world, as the kingdoms of this world become the Rife Christian New World Order.




So now we proactively mobilize, quickly establish, and form the Eternal Bride Government to govern the Cosmos, Forevermore.  Cosmic Justice Glorified.


And one more thing.  A couple of generations from now, when your newly-created cities prosper and Love Government thrives, when you are asked the question, What did you do during the Great Rife Reset?  You won’t have to say, Well, I shoveled sh*t in Louisiana for a day’s handful of food.


As presiding General over the Rife/Gabriel Legions, I will be proud to lead you into battle anytime, anywhere.


That’s all.


R.L. Rife

Rife the Great

Presiding General

Rife/Gabriel Legions

New Austin, New Texas

Presiding Proctor during Reset

Firstfruits, Christian New World Order