To know and learn from Ms. Owens, is to study Exposure, Indictment, Retribution, and Vengeance – out of the bowels of the Victims of Jewish Chattel Slavery. Candace knows, there is only one true power in this world, and that power is Truth.  “Truth is universal and absolute; it transcends our humanity.”


She knows, Western Civilization is built upon Christian Values, as aligned with the principles of the Holy Bible.  And regarding the Antebellum South, she states, Raw Faith was perhaps the only thing that gave the slaves the strength to keep going.  “All groups have their own story to tell, and ours is one marked with suffering and tragedy, yet triumph through strength.”


“I get my strength through my faith in Jesus Christ.”


“There are not many positive considerations on the topic of slavery, but the unshakable faith that was instilled in the Black Community is certainly one of them.  This has given Black America perhaps a richer faith narrative than any other group.  However ugly our method of ancestral transportation, we are blessed beyond reason to have inherited the freedom to live in America today.”


To the chagrin of the Young Turds wearing Little Hats, she forthrightly states, “My platform belongs to God.”


She has always stood against the “race-baiting hustlers…Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.”  When, at the height of the Jew-induced hysteria to divide America, she exposed the truth regarding George Fentanyl Floyd; her rebuttal shocked the world, garnering more than 100 million views in a matter of four days – thereby dispelling the Divisive Intent of Jewish Media.  Through the years, she has helped define and popularize the phrase “Democratic Plantation.”


“I want to always be known, by myself, that I did the right thing and said the right thing.”


“We have been on a great journey of redemption.”  She speaks of Blacks, set free from Jewish Slavery, now being forced to resubmit themselves to mental capture.  Her family suffered the Jewish-created KKK and the effort to maintain Jewish Supremacy, after the Jews lost the Civil War.  Most of the Four Million Black Slaves were trafficked and/or owned by Jews, who were the leadership of the Democrat Party – the Jewish Party of Slave Ownership.


She writes, once they lost their Slave Chattel, the Jews/Democrats entranced the Blacks with welfare, poverty, fatherless homes, and despair.  Hence, her Perfect Denunciation of the Jewish False Prophets of the Democratic Party.  She knows, the Jewish Left Policies “rely upon an intellectually bankrupt analysis of human history.”


Jewish Chattel Slavery “was an institution that was run by white Democrats, relied upon Black work, and demanded family breakdown, threats of abuse, and illiteracy.”  The Jewish-created NAACP was all about, not “exposing” racism, rather “exploiting” racism.  She understands, America’s current dilemma is Low Information Christians who have been duped by this Jewish/Occultic century-old Psyops and hence, all Zionists are in Strong Delusion, because they hate the Truth of God.




Candace, upon seeing the Genocidal Slaughter in Gaza, as Exhibit “A” in this Rife Court, quickly became a Champion for the Palestinian Cause, stating, “Gaza looks like Dresden times ten.”  As a dutiful Berean Christian, she began to explore and learn about the Crimes of the Synagogue of Satan, both in America and in Palestine.  Her worldview became focused upon the Real Threat to Mankind: Ashkenazi Judaism and its Counterfeit nation of Israel, now usurping Palestine.


She says, October 7 and the ensuing Genocide “caused a lot of people to see the world through a different lens.”  This is the intention of this Rife Show Trial, exposing the Crimes of the Jews.  “Your Zionist Delusion no longer carries the day.”  She often speaks, beginning her dialogue, “Post October 7…”


For this she was banished from the Daily Wire by the coward Little Hats, for her stand for Jesus Christ, KING of Kings.  What infuriated the Jews is that, once they fired her from the Daily Wire, she went on her own podcast and is now more popular than ever.  Nonetheless, she had mastered Gideon’s Test.


In the Bible, the Lord told Gideon that he needed to test the 10,000 volunteers for his army, by bringing them down to the water for a drink.  Those who kept their eyes on the horizon he was to enlist; those who looked down at their own reflection in the water, he was to send home.  Only 300 passed the test. 


This is analogist to today, you have millions of Zionist Christians who are under Strong Delusion because they refuse the Truth, as they are full of vanity and Jezebel Seduction.  God has used the Rife/Gaza Show Trial to divide out the pretenders from the contenders.  The Zionists (Ms. Suri) defend Genocide, condemning them to the Tribulation Judgment; the Truthers (Ms. Owens) will be used by God to do EXPLOITS, as prophesied by Daniel.


Regarding Ms. Suri, she was enraged when I told her that she needed to spend less time looking at herself in the mirror and more time looking for herself in the Bible.  When in January of this year, I could confirm that her business agent was blocking my testimony to her, I sought out the Lord and within weeks he was in the ground.  Even then, as I fully explained his untimely death to her, she refused to repent.




The Jews turned rabid when Rabbi Shmuley, contributor to the Jerusalem Post, and close friend with Warlock Netanyahu, was flattened by this young and becoming Prophetess of the Lord.  On the Piers Morgan Show, Candace resolutely exposed Shmuley as a Pathological Liar, mainly by calling out the war crimes being committed by Israel.  By international consensus, she humiliated the “rabbi” in the debate, exposing his membership in the Synagogue of Satan.


Almost three million people have viewed her Absolute Demolition of “Rabbi” Shmuley – revealing him as a Fraud out of this notorious Synagogue of Satan.  The worldwide response to her debate victory was 99.9% pro-Candace.  Yep, one of Netanyahu’s Niggers got floored by this 120-lb Christian Champion.  Truly Ms. Owens is a Fourth-Generation Warrior, as Vengeance is the Lord’s, even to the fourth generation, as we shall see.




The Jews fear that they are losing control of the propaganda narrative – which is the primary purpose of this Rife Court.  “Hate Speech” in America is Truthful Speech which the Jews don’t want people to hear.  The Jews conspire against Ms. Owens because, while the deluded Christian Zionists sleep, she calls out their conspiracy/genocide against Palestinians.  Her real “crime” is that she refuses to bow to Jewish Supremacism.


The Internet was awash with rabid Jews labeling Candace as being “unhinged and crazy.”  She was severely attacked by the ADL Pedo Mobsters.  Her every concern was targeted by Jews – battered for doing her homework and speaking out against Israel’s historical barbarity against the Palestinians.  She has become the STAR WITNESS in this Rife Court.


The Unit 8200 bot farms in Tel Aviv have conspired against Candace, fomenting the Jewish Targeted Harassment Campaign to take away her work and assassinate her character.  This is the same Unit 8200 which has spent Israeli government funds to bring Jewish Fascism to the college campuses, once Warlock Netanyahu demanded college crackdowns because of the universal support for Palestine.  Unit 8200 is censoring Americans via their control of Jewish-owned Media.  Yes, the Israeli government suppresses free speech in America.


During the Spring of 2024, the Israeli government spent over ten million dollars to push the fascist crackdown on our college campuses.  Many thanks to the Hezbollah Freedom Fighters for bombing the headquarters in September, 2024, killing over 20 of these spies and wounding another 100 or so.  Thank you, Hezbollah Freedom Fighters!  Can we have a follow up?


While Laodicean Lackey, Ms. Suri is celebrated at government events, singing God’s blessing on this Genocide, Ms. Owens has been put on an ADL hit list and been smeared and threatened throughout Jewish-controlled Media.  While Ms. Suri sings praises for this Babylonian/American Whore, Ms. Owens has been suspended, for calling out the Crimes of the Jews.  Of course, Ms. Suri is popular because she preaches the Pre-Trib Rapture Heresy – the False Gospel of Exemption from Judgment, rather than the Lord’s Rife Deliverance from Wrath.